Saturday, February 14, 2009

Long Distance Relationship Success Story

Rob and I met when he studied abroad from UK at my university in Missouri. We met through mutual friends and fell in love after a few months. Unfortunately, he had to go back to England to finish up his degree program and I am stuck here in the last semester of mine. At first, it was scary because neither of us were sure of the new dynamic things would take on after he left. However, we both realized as long as we maintained the same goals, interest, and were on the same page over all things would work out. We email and talk on skype, randomly call each other, and mail each other silly things. THIS IS IMPORTANT! Seeing your partners handwriting and getting a surprise letter can make your week- seeing someone's words of love is much more intimate than in text. I am going to go to graduate school in the UK in a few months after a graduate- which is just a few months away! We have managed to visit each other about every two months. The combination of school breaks etc. has allowed for this. LDR can work, as long as there is a common goal to work towards- the next time you see each other, when you can finally be together, etc. It can be annoying when people ridicule you for pursuing such an interest- I know I would have been opposed to the circumstance til I met Rob. Its also important to maintain a social life/work life- sitting around pining for the person is no way to get through a situation like this. I wish the best of luck to everyone and my relationship is proof that LDR's can work- Stay positive : )!

See original post

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